PhenQ ist eine Diätpille, die auf mehrere Aspekte der Gewichtsabnahme abzielt.
Durch die tägliche Einnahme von PhenQ können Sie unter anderem den Appetit unterdrücken, die Fettproduktion blockieren, die Stimmung verbessern und gespeichertes Fett verbrennen.
Funktioniert PhenQ wirklich? Wie unterscheidet sich PhenQ von anderen Gewichtsverlustpräparaten auf dem Markt? Erfahre noch heute alles, was du über diese Diätformel wissen musst, in unserem Testbericht.
Table of Contents
- 1 Was ist PhenQ?
- 2 Wie funktioniert PhenQ?
- 3 PhenQ-Zutaten
- 4 What Do Real Customers Say About PhenQ?
- 5 Scientific Evidence for PhenQ
- 6 PhenQ Ingredients Label
- 7 PhenQ Pricing
- 8 Bonuses Included with PhenQ
- 9 PhenQ Refund Policy
- 10 About Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited
- 11 Frequently Asked Questions About PhenQ
- 11.0.1 Is PhenQ a safe weight loss supplement?
- 11.0.2 Will PhenQ work for both men and women?
- 11.0.3 Do I need a prescription to take PhenQ?
- 11.0.4 Is PhenQ a vegan fat burner?
- 11.0.5 Who should avoid taking PhenQ diet pills?
- 11.0.6 How much weight will I lose with PhenQ?
- 11.0.7 How long should I take PhenQ?
- 11.0.8 How many bottles of PhenQ should I order?
- 12 Final Word
Was ist PhenQ?
PhenQ ist eine Diätpille, die ausschließlich online über verkauft wird. Die Diätpille zielt auf fünf verschiedene Arten auf die Gewichtsabnahme ab.
Durch die tägliche Einnahme von zwei Kapseln PhenQ können Sie unter anderem angeblich Fett verbrennen, die Fettproduktion stoppen, den Appetit unterdrücken, die Stimmung und das Energieniveau steigern. Die Hersteller von PhenQ-Pillen zur Gewichtsreduktion haben mehrere Wirkungen von Diätpillen in einer praktischen Kapsel kombiniert.
Trotz des Namens enthält PhenQ kein Phentermin, den illegalen Wirkstoff zur Gewichtsreduktion, der von der FDA verboten wurde. Phentermine wurde mit starken Fettverbrennungsergebnissen in Verbindung gebracht. Es war auch mit tödlichen Nebenwirkungen verbunden. Seit die FDA Phentermine verboten hat, verwenden Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Phentermin-ähnliche Namen – wie PhenQ – um ihre Gewichtsabnahmefähigkeiten zu suggerieren, selbst wenn sie kein Phentermin enthalten.
Anstatt Phentermin zu verwenden, enthält PhenQ Paprika, Piperin, Koffein und andere Inhaltsstoffe.
Wie funktioniert PhenQ?
PhenQ enthält eine Mischung von Inhaltsstoffen, die mit unterschiedlichen Gewichtsverlustergebnissen verbunden sind. Wie andere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Diätpillen zur Gewichtsreduktion enthält PhenQ Koffein, ein Stimulans, das nachweislich die Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration erhöht und gleichzeitig Müdigkeit reduziert. Viele Nahrungsergänzungsmittel enthalten Koffein, weil es mit der Fettverbrennung in Verbindung steht.
PhenQ enthält auch einzigartige Inhaltsstoffe wie den Nopalkaktus. Dieser Kaktus ist reich an Aminosäuren, die Ihren Körper mit Energie versorgen und ihn beim Abnehmen beschleunigen können.
Andere aufgeführte Inhaltsstoffe in PhenQ sind Paprika (in Form von Capsimax-Pulver), Niacin, Chrom, Calciumcarbonat und L-Carnitin. Diese Mischung aus Pflanzenextrakten, Fettsäuren und Mineralien kann die Gewichtsabnahme auf vielfältige Weise unterstützen. Die Mischung erhöht auch die Muskelmasse und verringert das Risiko von Flüssigkeitsansammlungen, um Blähungen zu vermeiden.
Die Hersteller von PhenQ behaupten, dass ihre Formel den Benutzern beim Abnehmen auf fünf Arten hilft, darunter:
Fett verbrennen:
Am wichtigsten ist, dass PhenQ behauptet, die natürliche Fettverbrennung Ihres Körpers zu beschleunigen. Um dies zu erreichen, behauptet PhenQ, das im Globe Newswire erwähnt wird, Ihre metabolischen und thermogenen Raten zu steigern und die Anzahl der Kalorien zu erhöhen, die Ihr Körper im Laufe des Tages verbrennt. Ihr Körper muss diese Energie von irgendwoher beziehen, damit er Ihr Fett verbrennt und Fettansammlungen verhindert.
Stoppen Sie die Fettproduktion:
PhenQ enthält Inhaltsstoffe, die die Produktion von neuem Fett blockieren und Ihre Kalorienaufnahme steuern. Anstatt Kalorien, die Sie essen, in gespeichertes Fett umzuwandeln, blockiert PhenQ die Fettproduktion und verhindert, dass Ihr Körper Fett speichert.
Unterdrücken Sie Ihren Appetit:
PhenQ behauptet, die Appetitunterdrückung zu fördern und Sie zu ermutigen, weniger natürlich zu essen. Anstatt den ganzen Tag mit Heißhunger und Appetit zu kämpfen, können Sie die natürlichen Triebe Ihres Körpers unterdrücken, was die Einhaltung einer Diät erleichtert. PhenQ behauptet, das Kaloriensparen einfach zu machen.
Steigern Sie Ihre Energie:
PhenQ-Pillen zur Gewichtsreduktion steigern Ihre Stimmung und Ihr Energieniveau, erleichtern das Training und erhöhen gleichzeitig die Anzahl der Kalorien, die Ihr Körper verbrennt. PhenQ steigert Ihr Energieniveau mit B-Vitaminen, freien Fettsäuren und anderen Inhaltsstoffen. Eine typische kalorienreduzierte Diät ist mit Energiedips verbunden. Sie könnten sich während einer Diät schwach und unmotiviert fühlen. Mit PhenQ ist das kein Problem.
Verbessern Sie Ihre Stimmung:
PhenQ behauptet, stimmungsaufhellende Eigenschaften zu haben. Das Reduzieren von Kalorien kann Ihre Stimmung beeinträchtigen und Sie launisch machen. PhenQ behauptet, diesem Effekt entgegenzuwirken.
Aufgrund dieser Effekte behaupten die Hersteller von PhenQ, dass Sie Ihre anderen Gewichtsverlustpillen aufgeben und sich ausschließlich auf PhenQ konzentrieren können.
PhenQ verwendet eine kleine Auswahl an Inhaltsstoffen, um die Vorteile der Körpergewichtsabnahme zu beschleunigen. Jede Zutat wirkt auf unterschiedliche Weise, um die Fettverbrennung anzukurbeln. Inhaltsstoffe wie Koffein kurbeln beispielsweise deinen Stoffwechsel an, während die Aminosäuren und B-Vitamine in PhenQ deine körperliche und geistige Energie steigern.
Hier sind die Kernbestandteile von PhenQ und wie sie laut der offiziellen Website funktionieren:
Capsimax Powder:
Capsimax is a proprietary blend of capsicum, piperine, caffeine, and niacin (vitamin B3). It’s a popular ingredient found in many diet pills to lose fat. The core ingredient in Capsimax is capsicum, which is the natural chemical in the pepper plant that gives it spiciness. Studies show that this ingredient can accelerate metabolism, induce thermogenesis, and help you burn body fat.
Chromium Picolinate:
PhenQ is an essential mineral found in meat, vegetables, and whole grains. Studies show that chromium can help minimize sugar cravings by balancing blood sugar. In fact, many people with diabetes take chromium supplements daily to support healthy blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels are balanced, your body doesn’t get wild food cravings or appetite swings.
Many weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine to boost fat burn, and PhenQ is no exception. PhenQ contains caffeine to increase alertness and focus while reducing fatigue. Caffeine can also make you feel less hungry, boost the fat-burning process by inducing thermogenesis, and help maximize the effects of exercise by boosting your performance. Many people take caffeine daily to complement weight reduction, and multiple studies have linked caffeine to its efficiency. It helps to lose weight and brings powerful fat loss results.
Nopal is a type of cactus rich in fiber. The makers of PhenQ added nopal to their formula to give you more control over hunger. Nopal is also rich in amino acids, giving you the energy levels you need to support your weight loss journey. These fatty acids complement the other amino acids in PhenQ – L-carnitine.
L-Carnitine Fumarate:
This is a naturally occurring amino acid located in red meat, nuts, and green vegetables. It helps in boosting free fatty acids into the cells and turning fat stores into energy, which means you can burn fat and fight the tiredness caused by dieting. It prevents the new fat cells from forming. If you have an active diet or exercise routine, then an amino acid supplement could help support your body’s natural energy production.
What Do Real Customers Say About PhenQ?
The PhenQ sales page is filled with PhenQ reviews and stories of people losing a significant amount of weight by taking PhenQ.
Many customer testimonials on the PhenQ website are from people who struggled with other diet and workout programs. One customer claims he tried “countless diet and lifestyle changes without success,” only to find success with PhenQ.
Some of the advertised weight-loss claims on the PhenQ sales page include:
One woman claims she lost 44 pounds in 3 months by combining her healthy diet and exercise habits with PhenQ
A 31-year old man claims he tried countless diets and lifestyle changes without losing a significant amount of weight, only to switch to PhenQ and find it worked as advertised
One woman claims she lost 14 pounds and 11.5 inches in her waist, dropping from a UK size 12 to 10 in just 12 weeks of taking PhenQ
Another woman claims she lost 20 pounds in 5 months of taking PhenQ
Some people take PhenQ to lose the baby weight. Others take the PhenQ supplement to target stubborn belly fat that they haven’t been able to eliminate with diet and work out.
Overall, the PhenQ official website advertises more realistic weight loss goals than many fat loss pills sold online. Some of the internet’s worst weight loss pills claim to lead to significant fat loss results without proper diet and exercise.
PhenQ claims to complement a healthy diet and workout routine, helping you lose a significant amount of weight while keeping your body energized. If there are no results, a 60-day money-back guarantee is there to cover you! It’s not a miracle fat loss solution: it’s a tool to help you lose weight.
Scientific Evidence for PhenQ
The makers of PhenQ claim their ingredients offer “scientifically proven weight loss.” Two of the ingredients in PhenQ, including a-Lacys Reset and Capsimax, are proprietary formulas backed by real fat loss studies. α -Lacys Reset is beneficial to enhance lean muscle mass. Studies have linked both of these ingredients to losing weight.
Nutraceuticals International Group launched a-Lacys Reset in 2013. The supplement contains a blend of alpha-lipoic acid and L-cysteine. This patented combination is designed specifically for losing weight and lowering oxidative stress. According to Nutraceuticals International Group, this ingredient is a “radical scavenger” that can support healthy inflammation throughout the body, targeting oxidation. The ingredient is also designed to help with weight management, exercise recovery, and more.
In this 2017 study, researchers found that alpha-lipoic acid could be an effective supplement for weight loss. Researchers analyzed the effects of a-lipoic acid (the key ingredient in a-Lacys Reset) on weight loss and found evidence for its anti-obesity properties. In 10 studies on ALA, researchers found participants lost 1.27kg more weight than a placebo group, on average.
Capsimax and the active ingredient capsaicin are backed by similar research. In this 2018 study published in BMC Obesity, researchers found that capsaicin supplements decreased body fat percentage and fat mass. Researchers gave capsaicin supplements or a placebo to 75 volunteers between ages 18 and 56 for 12 weeks, then observed significant fat loss effects in the capsaicin group.
Capsimax has also been specifically studied for its weight reduction benefits. In this 2016 clinical trial, researchers gave 2mg or 4mg of Capsimax to participants, then observed their metabolic rate, satiety, and calorie burning before and after meals.
PhenQ contains caffeine, which is one of the world’s most popular and most-used fat loss ingredients for managing calorie intake. Studies show that caffeine can help you lose weight in multiple ways. As the Mayo Clinic explains, caffeine alone won’t help you slim down. However, caffeine can support your fat loss goals by suppressing appetite and increasing calorie burning. The Mayo Clinic recommends using caffeine in moderation, which means taking less than 400mg of caffeine per day. There’s 100mg of caffeine in each capsule of PhenQ.
It’s also true that chromium picolinate could help with losing body weight. Some studies show that chromium helps suppress appetite and food cravings by balancing blood sugar. Instead of getting wild appetite swings throughout the day, you can suppress your appetite and stick to your diet. In this 2010 study, researchers found that chromium led to a 5.1% greater decrease in body fat compared to a placebo after participants took a 1,000mcg chromium picolinate supplement daily for 12 weeks.
Nopal is a type of cactus rich in fiber. It’s not found in many diet pills, but it is found in PhenQ. In this 2014 study, researchers found that nopal fiber could help excrete dietary fat. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled setting, researchers gave nopal cactus supplements or a placebo to 20 healthy volunteers, then analyzed their feces. Researchers found that the nopal cactus group had greater fat excretion than the placebo group, suggesting that nopal fat physically pushes waste out of your body.
Overall, PhenQ contains a number of clinically proven ingredients for weight loss. However, the supplement itself has not been studied. There’s no specific evidence that the unique combination of ingredients in PhenQ can accelerate the weight loss process in a significant way. However, multiple studies have validated the individual ingredients within PhenQ, suggesting they can help with fat loss in multiple ways.
PhenQ Ingredients Label
Many weight loss pills hide ingredients within proprietary formulas, making it impossible to see what’s inside it – or how high the doses are. PhenQ works differently, publishing its full ingredient label upfront.
Each serving of PhenQ contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee (100mg) for burning fat. The full list of ingredients in PhenQ includes:
- 230mg of calcium carbonate (23% DV)
- 80mcg of chromium picolinate (67% DV)
- 150mg of L-carnitine
- 100mg of caffeine
- 50mg of the Capsimax Plus Blend with caffeine, Capsimax capsicum fruit extract (with 2% capsaicinoids), niacin, and black pepper fruit extract (with 50% piperine)
- 25mg of a-Lacys Reset (containing alpha-lipoic acid and L-cysteine)
- 20mg of nopal cactus fiber
Other natural ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, blue crystals (made from gum Arabic, glycerine, FD&C blue #1, and potassium sorbate), croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, film coati (with hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, and hydroxypropyl cellulose), magnesium stearate, and silica, all of which are fillers, preservatives, binders, or inactive capsule ingredients.
PhenQ Pricing
PhenQ is priced at $70 per bottle, although the price drops when ordering multiple bottles.
You can buy PhenQ exclusively through, where pricing breaks down like this:
- 1 Bottle: $69.95 + Free Worldwide Shipping
- 3 Bottles: $139.90 + Free Worldwide Shipping
- 3 Bottles + 2 Advana Cleanse Bottles: $189.95 + Free Worldwide Shipping
Each bottle contains 60 tablets (60 servings) of PhenQ. You take one to two tablets daily to support your weight loss goals.
Bonuses Included with PhenQ
As part of a 2021 promotion, the makers of PhenQ bundle several bonuses with all purchases, including:
10 Training & Nutrition Guides: The 1 bottle and 3 bottle packages of PhenQ all come with 10 training and nutrition guides. These eBooks teach you diet and workout strategies to enhance your weight loss results.
Tips & Tricks Newsletter: The 1 and 3 bottle packages of PhenQ come with a free subscription to a tips and tricks newsletter. You receive regular emails in your inbox highlighting new tips, tricks, and strategies for fat loss.
Advana Cleanse: The 3 bottle package of PhenQ comes with 2 bonus bottles of Advana Cleanse, a nutritional supplement that claims to detoxify your body and flush away weight. By taking Advana Cleanse daily, you can purportedly flush away extra pounds.
PhenQ Refund Policy
PhenQ is backed by a 60-day refund policy. You can request a complete refund within 60 days of your purchase.
If you don’t lose weight within 60 days of taking PhenQ, or if you’re unhappy with the results of the supplement for any reason, then you are entitled to a complete refund.
Technically, the refund policy lasts 67 days: you have 67 days from receiving the order (60 days plus one week for return shipping) to send the supplement back to the manufacturer.
About Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited
PhenQ is made by a supplement company named Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited. That company maintains its headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland. The company also has an office in South Portland, Maine.
You can contact the makers of PhenQ via the following:
- Email:
- Email Form:
- Phone: 1 (646) 513 2632
- Headquarters: 12 Payne Street, Glasgow, G4 0LF, United Kingdom
- US Address: 165 Pleasant Ave, South Portland, ME 04106
Frequently Asked Questions About PhenQ
Is PhenQ a safe weight loss supplement?
PhenQ is a completely safe dietary supplement. It is obvious to question its safety as most weight loss supplements these days are selling harmful blends that lead to negative effects. On the other hand, the PhenQ supplement is a unique blend of powerful as well as proven components that offer you much better chances of losing extra body fat without any serious side effects.
Will PhenQ work for both men and women?
According to the official website, PhenQ fat burner is formulated to work with the same intensity for both men and women. Anyone above 18 years of age suffering from obesity and weight gain can use PhenQ for speeding your fat-burning process.
Do I need a prescription to take PhenQ?
No, the use of the PhenQ fat burner doesn’t require any prescription. These fat burner pills are completely safe for losing weight. However, if you have an existing medical problem or are taking any other prescription drug, you must seek the advice of a healthcare professional or your doctor.
Is PhenQ a vegan fat burner?
Yes! PhenQ dietary supplement is made with 100% vegetarian and natural ingredients, which makes it suitable to use for vegans and vegetarians.
Who should avoid taking PhenQ diet pills?
PhenQ should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children under 18 years of age. Also, people dealing with cardiovascular health issues must consult their doctors at once before starting their weight loss journey with PhenQ.
How much weight will I lose with PhenQ?
After reading each PhenQ review and testimonial, it is visible that anyone can burn a significant amount of stored body fat. However, we also noticed that results might vary for each individual. On average, customers reported a loss of 10 to 15 lbs per month.
How long should I take PhenQ?
PhenQ weight loss supplement is an easy to start and stop formula; there are no stimulants or habit-forming ingredients to compel you to take these diet pills. However, one should take PhenQ diet pills for at least 3 months to see desired results. After you come into shape, you can simply stop the consumption without any trouble. In case of facing weight gain again, these are easy to restart!
How many bottles of PhenQ should I order?
The manufacturers suggest buying 3 bottles of PhenQ at least. The reason is, PhenQ needs some time to deliver long-term results. Also, the larger package comes with great discount options. You may order 2 PhenQ bottles and get 1 bottle for free, which is a good deal if you are starting your weight loss journey with PhenQ.
What If PhenQ doesn’t work for you?
This unique weight loss supplement with a magical blend of all-natural ingredients is designed to lose weight safely; there is no chance it won’t work for you. However, for some reason, PhenQ doesn’t work for you; Wolfson Berg got you all covered with its 60-day money-back guarantee.
Final Word
PhenQ is a dietary supplement that uses capsaicin, essential amino acids, caffeine, and other natural ingredients to complement your diet and exercise routine.
By taking PhenQ daily with diet and workout, you can stick to your diet, boost calorie burning, and accelerate fat burning, among other benefits. This PhenQ review disclosed almost every detail about this fat-burning formula. Now it’s your time to take action!
click here to order PhenQ from the official website »
Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.